Price: $19.99
This course is designed for the people who want to learn and build careers in the field of Data Science.
Price: $19.99
This course is designed for the people who want to learn and build careers in the field of Data Science.
Buy Now Price: $54.99 Master Generative AI, ChatGPT and Prompt Engineering for Data Science and Python from scratch with hands-on projects
Buy Now Price: $199.99 This is an Adapted Course for Singaporeans picking up new skillsets and competencies under the CITREP+ Scheme.
Buy Now Price: Free Addressing some foundational issues in Marketing
Buy Now Price: $129.99 Become truly confident! Develop a step-by-step path towards unshakeable self-confidence. Live honestly and courageously
Buy Now Price: $129.99 This is an Adapted Course for Singaporeans picking up new skillsets and competencies under the CITREP+ Scheme.
Buy Now Price: $44.99 Python Basic, Data Structure, API, Scraping, Regex, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Scikit Learn, Supervised Learning