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Unlock the Power of Ensemble Learning: Master Random Forest and AdaBoost Algorithms for Data Science Success
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Unlock the Power of Ensemble Learning: Master Random Forest and AdaBoost Algorithms for Data Science Success
Buy Now Price: $74.99 The data revolution is here! Data is the new gold of the 21st Century. Companies nowadays have access to a massive amount of data and their competitive advantage lies in their ability to gain valuable insights from this data. Not only do they need to analyze all the data, but they…
Buy Now Price: $69.99 Learn to use R software for data analysis, visualization, and to perform dozens of popular data mining techniques.
Buy Now Price: $54.99 Learn how to prepare your data for great analytics in R.
Buy Now Price: $64.99 Master the most popular data science and machine learning algorithms in Python (linear regression, logistic…).
Buy Now Price: $199.99 The storytelling toolkit for corporate data analytics
Buy Now Price: $19.99 Machine Learning with Python and MS Excel