Price: $19.99
Create 45 graphs including Choropleth maps, WordCloud, Animation, Bar graphs, scatter plots & more to visualize Covid-19
Price: $19.99
Create 45 graphs including Choropleth maps, WordCloud, Animation, Bar graphs, scatter plots & more to visualize Covid-19
Buy Now Price: $49.99 Learn linear regression from scratch, Statistics, R-Squared, Python, Gradient descent, Deep Learning, Machine Learning
Buy Now Price: Free This project is for anyone who wants to develop Data science and Machine learning projects but having limited resources on his computer and limited time. In less than 2 hours, you will learn how to develop and deploy a fake news detection data science project! In essence, you will learn, –…
Buy Now Price: $19.99 Theorical Course for Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning to understand the logic of Data Science algorithms
Buy Now Price: $49.99 Learn how to use Python,Pandas,NumPy,Matplotlib,Seaborn, Data Wrangling,Learnbuild models, train and deploy models.
Buy Now Price: $84.99 Master Data Analysis, Regression, Classification, Clustering and Pandas Coding with ChatGPT! A Project-based Course.
Buy Now Price: $34.99 Learn step by step Data Science Project Management through CRISP-DM industry standard data mining methodology