Data Science: Modern Deep Learning in Python
Buy Now Price: $119.99 Build with modern libraries like Tensorflow, Theano, Keras, PyTorch, CNTK, MXNet. Train faster with GPU on AWS.
Dive into analytics and machine learning to work with data-driven solutions.
Buy Now Price: $119.99 Build with modern libraries like Tensorflow, Theano, Keras, PyTorch, CNTK, MXNet. Train faster with GPU on AWS.
Buy Now Price: $49.99 Become a professional Data Scientist and learn how to use NumPy, Pandas, Machine Learning and more!
Buy Now Price: $54.99 Start your career as Data Scientist from scratch. Learn Data Science with Python. Predict trends with advanced analytics
Buy Now Price: $59.99 Build & Deploy Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning (Python, Flask, Django, AWS, Azure, GCP, Heruko Cloud)
Buy Now Price: $64.99 Learn how to build and deploy data science applications in Python
Buy Now Price: $74.99 Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Algorithms in Python for Classification and Regression
Buy Now Price: $19.99 Learn the fundamentals of data science and gain an in-depth understanding of data analysis with various Python packages
Buy Now Price: $39.99 Build 5 Data Science and ML Projects and Land on Dream job as Data Scientists or Data Analyst-Handson Projects
Buy Now Price: $59.99 Master Machine Learning – Unleash the Power of Data Science for Predictive Modeling!
Buy Now Price: $54.99 Practical Statistics with Python for Data Science & Machine Learning Statistical Modeling Using Sci-kit Learn and Scipy