Price: $44.99
Learn Machine Learning Algorithms using Python from experts with hands on examples, practice sessions and projects.
Price: $44.99
Learn Machine Learning Algorithms using Python from experts with hands on examples, practice sessions and projects.
Buy Now Price: $44.99 Enhance your Python programming and data science abilities by completing more than 140+ NumPy exercises.
Buy Now Price: $64.99 Learn the foundation of Data Science, Analytics and Data interpretation using statistical tests with real world examples
Buy Now Price: Free If you have absolutely no idea what Data Science is and are looking for a very quick non-technical introduction to Data Science , this course will help you get started on fundamental concepts underlying Data Science. If you are an experienced Data Science professional, attending this course will give you some…
Buy Now Price: $54.99 Build & Deploy Data Science, ML, Deep Learning Projects Course(Python, Flask, Django, AWS, Azure, GCP, Heruko Cloud)
Buy Now Price: $79.99 R, Python data science with R programming, handle with data, manipulate data and outcomes with R (programming language)
Buy Now Price: $19.99 Learn to interact with data in Apache Spark through sparklyr and simplify machine learning model implementations.
Buy Now Price: $44.99 Enhance your Python programming and data science abilities by completing more than 140+ NumPy exercises.
Buy Now Price: $64.99 Learn the foundation of Data Science, Analytics and Data interpretation using statistical tests with real world examples
Buy Now Price: Free If you have absolutely no idea what Data Science is and are looking for a very quick non-technical introduction to Data Science , this course will help you get started on fundamental concepts underlying Data Science. If you are an experienced Data Science professional, attending this course will give you some…
Buy Now Price: $54.99 Build & Deploy Data Science, ML, Deep Learning Projects Course(Python, Flask, Django, AWS, Azure, GCP, Heruko Cloud)
Buy Now Price: $79.99 R, Python data science with R programming, handle with data, manipulate data and outcomes with R (programming language)
Buy Now Price: $19.99 Learn to interact with data in Apache Spark through sparklyr and simplify machine learning model implementations.
Buy Now Price: $44.99 Enhance your Python programming and data science abilities by completing more than 140+ NumPy exercises.
Buy Now Price: $64.99 Learn the foundation of Data Science, Analytics and Data interpretation using statistical tests with real world examples
Buy Now Price: Free If you have absolutely no idea what Data Science is and are looking for a very quick non-technical introduction to Data Science , this course will help you get started on fundamental concepts underlying Data Science. If you are an experienced Data Science professional, attending this course will give you some…
Buy Now Price: $54.99 Build & Deploy Data Science, ML, Deep Learning Projects Course(Python, Flask, Django, AWS, Azure, GCP, Heruko Cloud)
Buy Now Price: $79.99 R, Python data science with R programming, handle with data, manipulate data and outcomes with R (programming language)
Buy Now Price: $19.99 Learn to interact with data in Apache Spark through sparklyr and simplify machine learning model implementations.