Price: $109.99
Data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence in Python for students and professionals
Price: $109.99
Data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence in Python for students and professionals
Buy Now Price: $19.99 Create 45 graphs including Choropleth maps, WordCloud, Animation, Bar graphs, scatter plots & more to visualize Covid-19
Buy Now Price: $129.99 Learn Data Science, Data Analysis, Machine Learning (Artificial Intelligence) and Python with Tensorflow, Pandas & more!
Buy Now Price: $79.99 Hands-on text mining and natural language processing (NLP) training for data science applications in R
Buy Now Price: $84.99 Learn Python + Pandas for data cleaning, profiling & EDA, and prep data for machine learning & data science with Python
Buy Now Price: $39.99 Learn to build powerful applications with web technologies such as PHP and NodeJS.
Buy Now Price: $64.99 From data science methodology, to an introduction to data science in Python, to essential math for data science.