Price: $74.99
Master data visualization in Python with the matplotlib, seaborn, plotly and dash libraries.
Price: $74.99
Master data visualization in Python with the matplotlib, seaborn, plotly and dash libraries.
Buy Now Price: $19.99 Get started on data science with pandas and numpy from scratch in Python 3. Learn thoroughly, with breeze.
Buy Now Price: $89.99 XGBoost, Python, Pandas, Feature Engineering, Machine Learning, Data Science, deep learning, NLP,Time Series Forecasting
Buy Now Price: $79.99 Learn to Master Regression and Prediction with Pandas and Python for Data Science, Data Analysis, and Machine Learning
Buy Now Price: $49.99 Learn NumPy, Matplotlib, Jupyter, Pandas, Plotly, Altair, Seaborn, and Time Series Analysis in a single course
Buy Now Price: $19.99 A Hands-On Guide to Building, Evaluating, and Deploying Machine Learning Models
Buy Now Price: $54.99 Hi.. Hello and welcome to my new course, Machine Learning with Python for Dummies. We will discuss about the overview of the course and the contents included in this course. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning Neural Networks are the most used terms now a days in the technology world….